Language class

Defines common characteristics required for tuning locale and text segmentation behaviour for different languages. Override the variables and functions of this abstract class in order to implement a target language.



Language({required String languageName, required String languageCode, required String threeLetterCode, required String countryCode, required TextDirection textDirection, required bool preferVerticalReading, required bool isSpaceDelimited, required TextBaseline textBaseline, required String helloWorld, required DictionaryFormat standardFormat, required String defaultFontFamily, Future<int?> prepareSearchResults(DictionarySearchParams params) = prepareSearchResultsStandard})
Initialise the language with the required details.


countryCode String
The ISO 3166-1 code or the international standard name of country.
defaultFontFamily String
Default font for a language.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
helloWorld String
Testing text for the language's basic use. This is useful for testing and pre-loading the database for use.
indexMaxDistance int?
Some implementations of tap-to-select are very unoptimised for a high length of text. It is impractical to run text segmentation in some cases. This value sets a length from the center from which input text for wordFromIndex should be cut if longer. If null, the limit will not be used.
read / write
isSpaceDelimited bool
Whether or not this language essentially relies on spaces to commonly separate and discern words.
languageCode String
The ISO 639-1 code or the international standard language code.
languageCountryCode String
The language and country code separated by a dash.
languageName String
The name of the language, as known to native speakers.
locale Locale
Extract a Locale from the language code and country code.
preferVerticalReading bool
Whether or not this language should prefer vertical reading.
prepareSearchResults Future<int?> Function(DictionarySearchParams params)
Overrides the base search function and implements search specific to a language.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
standardFormat DictionaryFormat
A standard format that dictionaries of this language can be found in. This is only to set this as the default last selected format on first time setup.
textBaseline TextBaseline
If this language uses an alphabetic or ideographic text baseline.
textDirection TextDirection
The reading direction of the language, for which reading should be given a specific format by default. For example, Arabic is RTL, while English is LTR.
threeLetterCode String
The ISO 639-3 code or the international standard language code.


getFinalHighlightLength({required DictionarySearchResult? result, required String searchTerm}) int
Get final highlight length after a dictionary search.
getGuessHighlightLength({required String searchTerm}) int
Get preliminary highlight length before a dictionary search.
getPitchWidget({required AppModel appModel, required BuildContext context, required String reading, required int downstep}) Widget
Some languages may have custom widgets for generating pronunciation diagrams.
getSearchTermFromIndex({required String text, required int index}) String
Gets a search term and for a space-delimited language, assumes the index is within the range of the first word, with remainder words included. For a language that is not space-delimited, this is simply the substring function.
getSentenceFromParagraph({required String paragraph, required int index, required int startOffset, required int endOffset}) JidoujishoTextSelection
Given paragraph text and an index, yield the part of the text such that the result is a sentence. Different languages may decide to use different delimiters.
getSentences(String text) List<String>
Returns a list of sentences for a block of text.
getStartingIndex({required String text, required int index}) int
Returns the starting index from which the search term should be chopped from, given a clicked index and full text. For a space-delimited language, this will return the starting index of a clicked word. Otherwise, this returns the clicked index itself.
getTermReadingOverrideWidget({required BuildContext context, required AppModel appModel, required DictionaryHeading heading, required dynamic onSearch(String)}) Widget
Some languages may want to display custom widgets rather than the built in word and reading text that is there by default. For example, Japanese may want to display a furigana widget instead.
initialise() Future<void>
This function is run at startup or when changing languages. It is not called again if already run.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
prepareResources() Future<void>
Prepare text segmentation tools and other dependencies necessary for this langauge to function.
textToWords(String text) List<String>
Given unsegmented text, perform text segmentation particular to the language and return a list of parsed words.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
wordFromIndex({required String text, required int index}) String
Given an index or a character position in given text, return a word such that it corresponds to a whole word from the parsed list of words from textToWords.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.