creator library
- AddToStashAction
- An enhancement used as a shortcut for adding text items to the Stash.
- AnkiMapping
- A user-generated mapping to allow customisation of the fields exported from the application. A mapping is bound to a model, which must have a length of fields equal or more than the length of getExportFields.
- AudioEnhancement
- An entity for enhancements that specificallly generate audio.
- AudioExportField
- A special kind of field that has a special widget at the top of the creator. For example, the audio field has a media player that can be controlled based on its values.
- AudioField
- Returns audio information from context.
- AudioRecorderEnhancement
- An enhancement that can be used to record audio.
- AudioSentenceField
- Returns audio information from context.
- BingImagesSearchEnhancement
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for clearing the contents of a CreatorModel pertaining to a certain field.
- CameraEnhancement
- An enhancement that can be used to take a picture to set a new image.
- CardCreatorAction
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for opening the Card Creator.
- ClearFieldEnhancement
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for clearing the contents of a CreatorModel pertaining to a certain field.
- ClozeAfterField
- Text after highlighted text in a sentence.
- ClozeBeforeField
- Text before highlighted text in a sentence
- ClozeInsideField
- Highlighted text in a sentence.
- CollapsedMeaningField
- Used to return a formatted text from hidden dictionary entries from collapsed dictionaries only.
- ContextField
- Returns information about the current context in human-readable format
- CopyToClipboardAction
- An enhancement that is useful for copying the headword term.
- CreatorFieldValues
- A collection of values that can be used to mutate the current context of the creator.
- CropImageEnhancement
- An enhancement that can be used to crop the current image.
- Enhancement
- An entity that functionally mutates creator fields and returns an output. An enhancement is given and assigned a field at runtime in the initialisation step, and can be assigned to a field enhancement slot. In the creator, the user can then tap on the icon representing the enhancement to execute its functionality.
- ExpandedMeaningField
- Used to return a formatted text from multiple dictionary entries from expanded dictionaries only.
- Field
- An entity that represents a broad characteristic of an item being exported that is distinguishable enough to deserve its own core functionality and family of user extensions. For example, a field could handle exclusively images, or dictionary definitions.
- ForvoAudioEnhancement
- An enhancement for fetching audio from Forvo.
- ForvoResult
- An entity used to neatly return and organise results fetched from Forvo.
- FrequencyField
- Returns the frequency of a DictionaryHeading (uses harmonic mean for multiple entries, idea taken from @MarvNC).
- FuriganaField
- Returns the formatted furigana HTML of a DictionaryHeading.
- HiddenMeaningField
- Used to return a formatted text from hidden dictionary entries.
- ImageEnhancement
- An entity for enhancements that specificallly generate images.
- ImageExportField
- A special kind of field that has a special widget at the top of the creator. For example, the audio field has a media player that can be controlled based on its values.
- ImageField
- Returns audio information from context.
- ImmersionKitEnhancement
- An enhancement used to fetch example sentences via Massif.
- ImmersionKitResult
- An entity used to neatly return and organise results fetched from ImmersionKit.
- InstantExportAction
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for exporting a card.
- JapanesePod101AudioEnhancement
- An enhancement for fetching audio from JapanesePod101.
- MassifExampleSentencesEnhancement
- An enhancement used to fetch example sentences via Massif.
- MassifResult
- An entity used to neatly return and organise results fetched from Massif.
- MeaningField
- Used to return a formatted text from multiple dictionary entries.
- MediaField
- A special kind of field that has a special widget at the top of the creator. For example, the audio field has a media player that can be controlled based on its values.
- NotesField
- Supplies supplementary data that may be useful to include in a card.
- OpenStashEnhancement
- An enhancement used to view and manage the Stash.
- PickAudioEnhancement
- An enhancement that can be used to select an audio file.
- PickImageEnhancement
- An enhancement that can be used to select a picture with the
- PitchAccentField
- Returns the formatted pitch accent diagram HTML of a DictionaryHeading.
- PitchSvg
- Pitch utilities courtesy of Matthew Chan.
- PlayAudioAction
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for previewing audio.
- PopFromStashEnhancement
- An enhancement used to pop the latest element of the Stash onto a field.
- QuickAction
- An entity that executes an action when selected on the upper-right of a dictionary entry widget. An action is initialised at runtime in the initialisation step, and can be assigned to a quick action slot. When dictionary search results are displayed, the user can then tap on the icon representing the action to execute its functionality for a certain dictionary entry.
- ReadingField
- Used to track the current sentence context from the current playing media in the application.
- SaveTagsEnhancement
- An enhancement used to save the Tags field's last value.
- SearchDictionaryEnhancement
- An enhancement used effectively as a shortcut for performing a dictionary search.
- SearchHistoryItem
- A collection of search history items given a certain name.
- SentenceField
- Used to track the current sentence context from the current playing media in the application.
- SentencePickerEnhancement
- An enhancement used to pick a sentence from text.
- An enhancement that calls the native share API for sharing word details.
- TagsField
- Organise notes in a deck with space-delimited labels.
- TatoebaExampleSentencesEnhancement
- An enhancement used to fetch example sentences via Tatoeba.
- TermField
- Returns the word or phrase particular to a selected headword.
- TextSegmentationEnhancement
- An enhancement used to pick an appropriate term from a text field easily.
- AudioGeneratorMixin
- Used for entities that can generate a single audio file from a MediaItem seed.
- ImageGeneratorMixin
- Used for entities that can generate a single image from a MediaItem seed.
- AnkiMappingByIndex
- AnkiMappingQueryFilter
- AnkiMappingQueryLinks
- AnkiMappingQueryObject
- AnkiMappingQueryProperty
- AnkiMappingQuerySortBy
- AnkiMappingQuerySortThenBy
- AnkiMappingQueryWhere
- AnkiMappingQueryWhereDistinct
- AnkiMappingQueryWhereSort
- GetAnkiMappingCollection
- GetSearchHistoryItemCollection
- SearchHistoryItemByIndex
- SearchHistoryItemQueryFilter
- SearchHistoryItemQueryLinks
- SearchHistoryItemQueryObject
- SearchHistoryItemQueryProperty
- SearchHistoryItemQuerySortBy
- SearchHistoryItemQuerySortThenBy
- SearchHistoryItemQueryWhere
- SearchHistoryItemQueryWhereDistinct
- SearchHistoryItemQueryWhereSort
→ const CollectionSchema<
AnkiMapping> -
CollectionSchema(name: r'AnkiMapping', id: -9131188405906642167, properties: {r'actionsIsar' : PropertySchema(id: 0, name: r'actionsIsar', type: IsarType.string), r'creator…
→ const CollectionSchema<
SearchHistoryItem> -
CollectionSchema(name: r'SearchHistoryItem', id: 7309085037371405047, properties: {r'historyKey' : PropertySchema(id: 0, name: r'historyKey', type: IsarType.string), r'sear…
- EnhancementTriggerCause
- List of causes that may be of interest when executing an enhancement and may change the context of how the enhancement should be executed.
- SortingMethod
- The method by which the frequency value is calculated.