utils library
- AppLocaleUtils
- Provides utility functions without any side effects.
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - Similar to flutter locale but available without any flutter dependencies
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - Provides utility functions without any side effects.
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - Similar to BaseLocaleSettings but allows for specific overwrites e.g. setLocale now also updates the provider
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > -
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > -
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - Root translation class of ONE locale Entry point for every translation
- BlurOptions
- Settings that are persisted for the blur widget used in the player.
- BrowserBookmark
- Used to persist online catalogs of Mokuro manga.
- CacheImageProvider
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67963713/how-to-cache-memory-image-using-image-memory-or-memoryimage-flutter https://gist.github.com/darmawan01/9be266df44594ea59f07032e325ffa3b
- DialogContent
- Text information to show in a dialog.
- EnhancementsConverter
- A type converter for a general purpose key-value map for conversion to a primitive compatible with Isar.
- FakeAppLocale
- FakeTranslations
- ImmutableStringMapConverter
- A type converter for a general purpose key-value map for conversion to a primitive compatible with Isar.
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - JidoujishoAudioHandler
- Enables play/pause button to be used with the app.
- JidoujishoBottomSheet
- JidoujishoBottomSheetOption
- An option to show in a bottom sheet.
- JidoujishoColor
- A class for holding values related to color. Ideally, the application should handle all colors with enums stored in this class.
- JidoujishoDivider
- A standard theme divider for use across the applicaton.
T> - A helper for creating a DropdownButton styled for the application.
- JidoujishoIconButton
- A button that can be set as busy. When busy, the icon is faded out when its onTap action is on-going and processing, which can be used to indicate when a button cannot be pressed once its click action has been executed and is busy.
- JidoujishoListTile
- Used for various dialogs, such as the dictionary, profiles and enhancements menus. Used for listing, selecting and reordering items.
- JidoujishoLocalisations
- A dedicated store for localised strings for different supported app languages.
- JidoujishoLyrics
- Used for searching lyrics.
- JidoujishoLyricsParameters
- Used for searching lyrics.
- JidoujishoMarquee
- Wrapper for a Marquee that only displays the Marquee effect only when there is insufficient space, and not all the time. Taken directly from: https://gist.github.com/rtybanana/2b0639052cd5bfd701b8d892f2d1088b https://github.com/MarcelGarus/marquee/issues/36
- JidoujishoPlaceholderMessage
- Used to show information or error messages across the application. For example, this is used for the empty placeholder messages on the home tabs when there are no media item entries in them.
- JidoujishoSearchHistory
- Used in a floating search bar body for showing search history items for a certain collection named uniqueKey.
- JidoujishoSelectableText
- A run of selectable text with a single style.
- JidoujishoSelectableTextController
- A class to handle text selection programmatically for the JidoujishoSelectableText widget.
- JidoujishoSelectionToolbar
- A toolbar that allows a custom button to be shown when selecting text.
- JidoujishoTag
- A tag that can be clicked on for more information. Used in dictionary entries to indicate information about a definition or term.
- JidoujishoTextSelection
- Text and a range for a highlighted selection.
- JidoujishoTextSelectionControls
- Defined on SelectableText objects to allow for a custom action when selecting text.
- JidoujishoTimeFormat
- Used for formatting time-related strings.
- LocaleSettings
- Manages all translation instances and the current locale
- ManipulatingBall
- Used for balls used to resize the ResizeableWidget.
- MediaItemConverter
- A type converter for MediaItem.
- MessageItem
- Used to allow persistence of a message from ChatGPT.
- MokuroBlock
- Coordinate information for a single group of text that can have multiple lines.
- MokuroCatalog
- Used to persist online catalogs of Mokuro manga.
- MokuroImage
- Contains all information needed to render an image, including any text coordinate information and the display image itself.
- MokuroPayload
- Parameters that define a series of images and metadata about each image.
- PlayerPayload
- A class that bundles together necessary entities for using the player.
- PluralResolvers
- Default plural resolvers
- QuickActionsConverter
- A type converter for a general purpose key-value map for conversion to a primitive compatible with Isar.
- ResizeableWidget
- Blur widget used in the player.
- RichPluralResolvers
- Rich plural resolvers
- SubtitleItem
- Represents subtitles that can be used in the player.
- SubtitleOptions
- Settings that are persisted for the blur widget used in the player.
- SubtitleUtils
- A class for calling subtitle utility functions.
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > - Metadata instance hold by the root translation class.
- TranslationOverridesFlutter
- TranslationProvider
- The provider for method B
- Translations
- Method B: Advanced
- AppLocaleUtilsExt
- BrowserBookmarkByIndex
- BrowserBookmarkQueryFilter
- BrowserBookmarkQueryLinks
- BrowserBookmarkQueryObject
- BrowserBookmarkQueryProperty
- BrowserBookmarkQuerySortBy
- BrowserBookmarkQuerySortThenBy
- BrowserBookmarkQueryWhere
- BrowserBookmarkQueryWhereDistinct
- BrowserBookmarkQueryWhereSort
- BuildContextTranslationsExtension
- Method B shorthand via BuildContext extension method. Configurable via 'translate_var'.
- ExtAppLocale
- ExtAppLocaleUtils
- ExtBaseLocaleSettings
- GetBrowserBookmarkCollection
- GetMessageItemCollection
- GetMokuroCatalogCollection
- LocaleSettingsExt
- MessageItemQueryFilter
- MessageItemQueryLinks
- MessageItemQueryObject
- MessageItemQueryProperty
- MessageItemQuerySortBy
- MessageItemQuerySortThenBy
- MessageItemQueryWhere
- MessageItemQueryWhereDistinct
- MessageItemQueryWhereSort
- MokuroCatalogByIndex
- MokuroCatalogQueryFilter
- MokuroCatalogQueryLinks
- MokuroCatalogQueryObject
- MokuroCatalogQueryProperty
- MokuroCatalogQuerySortBy
- MokuroCatalogQuerySortThenBy
- MokuroCatalogQueryWhere
- MokuroCatalogQueryWhereDistinct
- MokuroCatalogQueryWhereSort
- VideoQualityIcon
- Extension for the VideoQuality class.
→ const CollectionSchema<
BrowserBookmark> -
CollectionSchema(name: r'BrowserBookmark', id: -5101929761302621431, properties: {r'hashCode' : PropertySchema(id: 0, name: r'hashCode', type: IsarType.long), r'name' :…
- iOSHorizontalOffset → const int
An eyeballed value that moves the cursor slightly left of where it is
rendered for text on Android so its positioning more accurately matches the
native iOS text cursor positioning.
→ const CollectionSchema<
MessageItem> -
CollectionSchema(name: r'MessageItem', id: -5146512751102916430, properties: {r'isBot' : PropertySchema(id: 0, name: r'isBot', type: IsarType.bool), r'message' : Proper…
→ const CollectionSchema<
MokuroCatalog> -
CollectionSchema(name: r'MokuroCatalog', id: 1045304690416343370, properties: {r'hashCode' : PropertySchema(id: 0, name: r'hashCode', type: IsarType.long), r'name' : Pr…
- t → _StringsEn
Method A: Simple
- AppLocale
- Supported locales, see extension methods below.
- JidoujishoPopupPosition
- Configurations for how the dictionary pop-up may be shown.
- PlaybackMode
- Playback modes for the video player.
- SubtitleItemType
- Differentiates different types of SubtitleItem.
- InlineSpanBuilder = InlineSpan Function(String)
- OffsetValue = void Function(int start, int end)
- Used for handling text selection.
- PluralResolver = String Function(num n, {String? few, String? many, String? one, String? other, String? two, String? zero})
Selects the correct string depending on
E extends BaseAppLocale< E, T> , T extends BaseTranslations<E, T> > = T Function({PluralResolver? cardinalResolver, PluralResolver? ordinalResolver, Map<String, Node> ? overrides}) - Returns a new translation instance