ReaderTtuSource class

A media source that allows the user to read from ッツ Ebook Reader.



adaptTtuTheme bool
Whether or not the dictionary popup should adapt to the reader's theme.
aspectRatio double
Aspect ratio of media items.
currentExtraData String?
This is used to hold data for generating images and audio.
currentMediaItem MediaItem
Supplies a media item that can be used for tracking and updating history, as well as generating video and audio with timestamp information. This should be uniquely implemented for each source. Some sources may want to generate their media item based on current playback information or progress.
currentSentence JidoujishoTextSelection
Supplies a sentence that can be used for the sentence field when making a card while this source is active. Can be set with setCurrentSentence and clearCurrentSentence in a source page.
currentTtuInternalVersion int?
Used to check for the current version.
description String
A longer description of what the source can do, or details left by or regarding the developer.
descriptionLocalisation Map<String, String>
Localisations for this source, where the key is a locale tag and the value is the description of the enhancement. If the value for the current locale is non-null, it will be used instead of description.
extendPageBeyondNavigationBar bool
Whether or not to add to extend the webpage beyond the navigation bar. This may be helpful for devices that don't have difficulty accessing the top bar (i.e. don't have a teardrop notch).
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
highlightOnTap bool
Whether the reader will highlight words on tap.
icon IconData
An icon that will show the enhancement if activated by the user in the quick menu.
implementsHistory bool
Whether or not this media source allows adding items to media history. Note that some media sources produce a history of media items but do not require this to be set true. For example, the reader fetches its history from a source other than the actual internal media history system provided by the media source framework. In such cases, this should be set as false. Setting this as true results to a media item being added to history when media is opened.
implementsSearch bool
Whether or not this media source has a search function. If false, this media source will have an action executed by onSearchBarTap.
mediaType MediaType
The media type that this source is for.
overridesAutoAudio bool
Whether or not a media source overrides the auto audio enhancement. See generateAudio.
overridesAutoImage bool
Whether or not a media source overrides the auto image enhancement. See generateImages.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
shouldGenerateAudio bool
Gets whether or not a media source should currently supply audio.
shouldGenerateImage bool
Gets whether or not a media source should currently supply images.
sourceName String
Name of the source that very shortly describes what it does.
sourceNameLocalisatiton Map<String, String>
Localisations for this source, where the key is a locale tag and the value is the sourceName of the source. If the value for the current locale is non-null, it will be used instead of sourceName.
uniqueKey String
A unique name that allows distinguishing this type from others, particularly for the purposes of differentiating between persistent settings keys.
volumePageTurningEnabled bool
Whether or not using the volume buttons in the Reader should turn the page.
volumePageTurningInverted bool
Controls which direction is up or down for volume button page turning.
volumePageTurningSpeed int
Controls the speed for volume button page turning.


buildBar() BaseMediaSearchBar?
Used to override the search bar if needed by a source that implements search.
buildHistoryPage({MediaItem? item}) BasePage
The body widget to show in the tab when this source's media type and this source is selected.
buildLaunchButton({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) Widget
Allows user to close the floating search bar of a media type tab page when open.
buildLaunchPage({MediaItem? item}) BaseSourcePage
The widget to show when this source is launched. An optional MediaItem can be supplied as a launch parameter.
buildSettingsButton({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) Widget
Allows user to close the floating search bar of a media type tab page when open.
buildTweaksButton({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) Widget
Tweaks bar action.
clearCurrentSentence() → void
Clear the current sentence.
clearExtraData() → void
Clear extra export data.
clearOverrideValues({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item}) Future<void>
Used to clear override values of a MediaItem upon deletion.
deletePreference({required String key}) Future<void>
Set the preference for a certain parameter key for this source.
generateAudio({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item, List<Subtitle>? subtitles, SubtitleOptions? options, String? data}) Future<File?>?
If this source is non-null, this will be used as the initial function for the audio field over the auto enhancement.
generateImages({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item, List<Subtitle>? subtitles, SubtitleOptions? options, String? data}) Future<List<NetworkToFileImage>>
If this source is non-null, this will be used as the initial function for the image field over the auto enhancement. Extra durations can be invoked and defined when initially opening the creator, to call attention to multiple durations to be used for image generation.
generateSearchSuggestions(String searchTerm) Future<List<String>>
Given a search term, this source may give search suggestions. If the empty list is returned, then search history will be shown instead.
getActions({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) List<Widget>
Get the floating search bar actions of this source when it is the active source being displayed on its respective media type tab.
getBooksHistory({required AppModel appModel, required Language language, bool recursive = false}) Future<List<MediaItem>>
Fetch JSON for all books in IndexedDB.
getDisplaySubtitleFromMediaItem(MediaItem item) String
Given a MediaItem, return its subtitle. Some media items may allow overriding of values for display purposes. If a source does this, override this function.
getDisplayThumbnailFromMediaItem({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item, String? fallbackUrl, bool noOverride = false}) ImageProvider<Object>
Given a MediaItem, return its thumbnail. Some media items may allow overriding of values for display purposes.
getDisplayTitleFromMediaItem(MediaItem item) String
Given a MediaItem, return its title. Some media items may allow overriding of values for display purposes. If a source does this, override this function.
getIndexedDBKey(Language language) String
Get the IndexedDB backup key for a language
getItemsFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, int port) List<MediaItem>
Fetch the list of history items given JSON from IndexedDB.
getLocalisedDescription(AppModel appModel) String
Get the best localisation for the description of this media source. If there is no localisation, the fallback is description.
getLocalisedSourceName(AppModel appModel) String
Get the best localisation for the label of this media source. If there is no localisation, the fallback is sourceName.
getOverrideThumbnailFilename({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item}) String
The map value used to store the override thumbnail of an item.
getOverrideThumbnailFromMediaItem({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item}) ImageProvider<Object>?
Given a MediaItem, return its override display thumbnail.
getOverrideTitleFromMediaItem(MediaItem item) String?
Given a MediaItem, return its override display title.
getOverrideTitleKey(MediaItem item) String
The map key used to store the override title of an item.
getPortForLanguage(Language language) int
Get the port for the current language. This port should ideally not conflict but should remain the same for caching purposes.
getPreference<T>({required String key, required T defaultValue}) → T
Get the preference value for a certain parameter key for this source.
getThumbnailUri({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item, bool noOverride = false}) String
Given a MediaItem, return its thumbnail. Some media items may allow overriding of values for display purposes.
importBackup({required InAppWebViewController controller, required Language language, required String data}) Future<void>
Import persisted backup data back to IndexedDB if it exists.
initialise() Future<void>
This function is run at startup. It is not called again if already run.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onMediaItemClear(MediaItem item) Future<void>
This function can be used to clean up resources associated with a media item upon clearing it.
onSearchBarTap({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) Future<void>
If this is not null, this action is executed when the user taps on the search bar. Sources that do not have a search action should have this defined.
onSourceExit({required AppModel appModel, required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref}) Future<void>
Executed when this media source is closed. Perform this step to clean up resources or refresh media history.
prepareResources() Future<void>
If a media source requires resources to function, they can be prepared here and this function will be run once only at runtime during the initialisation step.
searchMediaItems({required BuildContext context, required String searchTerm, required int pageKey}) Future<List<MediaItem>?>
This returns a list of MediaItem, and is performed to search the media source for items.
serveLocalAssets(Language language) Future<LocalAssetsServer>
For serving the reader assets locally.
setCurrentSentence({required JidoujishoTextSelection selection}) → void
Update the current sentence.
setExtraData(String? value) → void
Set extra export data. This should be simplified in the future and be used as the main way of communicating parameters to the creator for creating override images/audio information. There should not be media source specific parameters for general functions like generating images or audio.
setOverrideThumbnailFromMediaItem({required AppModel appModel, required MediaItem item, required File? file, required bool clearOverrideImage}) Future<void>
Given a MediaItem, set its override display thumbnail. If null, this deletes the override thumbnail.
setOverrideTitleFromMediaItem({required MediaItem item, required String? title}) Future<void>
Given a MediaItem, set its override display title. If the title is blank, the override title is cleared.
setPreference<T>({required String key, required T value}) Future<void>
Set the preference value for a certain parameter key for this source.
setShouldGenerateAudio({required bool value}) → void
Controls whether or not a media source should currently supply audio.
setShouldGenerateImage({required bool value}) → void
Controls whether or not a media source should currently supply images.
setTtuInternalVersion() → void
Sets the new version.
setVolumePageTurningSpeed(int speed) → void
Sets the speed for volume button page turning.
showClearPrompt({required BuildContext context, required WidgetRef ref, required AppModel appModel}) → void
Shows when the clear button is pressed.
toggleAdaptTtuTheme() → void
Toggles whether dictionary popup should adapt to the reader's theme.
toggleExtendPageBeyondNavigationBar() → void
Toggles the extend navbar option.
toggleHighlightOnTap() → void
Toggles whether the reader will highlight words on tap.
toggleVolumePageTurningEnabled() → void
Toggles the volume page turning option.
toggleVolumePageTurningInverted() → void
Inverts the current volume button page turning direction preference.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

defaultScrollingSpeed int
Default scrolling speed when in continuous page turning mode.
instance ReaderTtuSource
Get the singleton instance of this media type.


get → const String
Used to fetch JSON for all books in IndexedDB.
''' indexedDB.databases().then((databases) => { if (databases.length > 0) { var bookmarkJson = JSON.stringify([]); var dataJson = JSON.stringify([]); var lastItemJson =…
getHistoryJs → const String
Used to fetch JSON for all books in IndexedDB.
''' indexedDB.databases().then((databases) => { if (databases.length > 0) { var bookmarkJson = JSON.stringify([]); var dataJson = JSON.stringify([]); var lastItemJson =…
ttuInternalVersion → const int
This ensures that the internal version included with the app always uses the cache and is consistent. If this version changes and the current stored last version mismatches, a load from network is forced. The app will then update its new last version, and all new loads will be from the cache unless there is a new app version loaded with a different internal version.